Using GoJS on Different Platforms

GoJS is intended to run in any environment that executes JavaScript. This includes on browsers and within browser frameworks, and also in headless contexts such as Node.js.

React, Angular, Vue

We provide samples and components for common JavaScript UI frameworks. GoJS has no dependencies of its own, and it is our expectation that the library should run within any framework. If you are encountering integration issues with an uncommon framework, please contact us.

We maintain examples for common frameworks:


GoJS can be used in Electron apps. We provide a sample Electron app using GoJS. Note that an unlimited domains license is required for use with versions of GoJS before v2.2. As of v2.2, you can specify your Electron app's package.json "name" attribute when you request a license key.


GoJS can be used alongside Blazor, though all code must be written in JavaScript or TypeScript. We have a sample integrating GoJS into a Blazor project.

There is also the GoDiagram library, which is based on the GoJS API, that can be used in C# environments. It will work headlessly or as a WinForms control. When headless, this can be used to output static diagram images for Blazor projects, purely in C#.

Node.js and Headless Environments

GoJS can be used in environments that do not have a DOM. This can be useful for running on a server. We provide a Node.js script example.

We also have a Puppeteer example in the Server-side images intro page for running on a server with a DOM.

Within iFrames

GoJS can run within iFrames. However, since the library references the global context, such as window on browsers, it is best to invoke GoJS code from within the frame it is used.