Build interactive flowcharts or flow diagrams. Let your users build, modify, and save Diagrams with JSON model output.
State Charts
Visualize State Charts and other behavior diagrams.
Create diagrams with live updates to monitor state, or interactive diagrams for planning.
Sankey Diagrams
GoJS allows considerable customization of Links and Nodes to build all kinds of diagrams. Visualize flow, or connect pipes.
Genogram Diagrams
Create Genogram and Medical diagrams, or editable family trees with collapsible levels.
Org Charts
Create classic org charts for viewing or editing. Automatic layouts make different visualization options easy.
Dynamic Ports
Dynamically add ports and custom link routing. Use data-bindings to save and load routes within the Model JSON.
Industrial Processes
Model industrial processes, workflows, SCADA diagrams and more. Permissions and validation make it easy to add rules and constraints when your users build diagrams.
Dynamic Grouping
Use groups as containers and subgraphs, with group members bound by their own rules and layouts.